Thursday, January 1, 2009


my fav starz are ....look 4 urself...

i malas la 2 type...



h there

hey there...

talkin about me...

my name nvrmind...

my age 13

tats all no need so many...details...

2 months ago, my nephew was born his name is Matthias Aloysius Chen...

he is very cute indeed...

so christmas just passed...tis yr we didn't get 2 do...much shoppin cuz my mum had 2 take care my nephew...

but i did mine...

talkin bout presents...i got quite a number of gifts...

from all of my family members...

then i went for my christmas n new yr party to my friend's house...

we played with fireworks...n we ate all kinds of new food...cooked by her sister...

de best were the blueberry cupcakes...yummmmmmmmmmmm....

new yr

hey...there its de new yr for goodness sake...

i really hope tis yr will be a great beginning for me.... in all ways...
i hope 2 meet new n more intellectual friends...

comin 2 de story bout my fwens...ahaaaa...
i hav 2 best friends... de 1st one...i met in skool...she is a gud person, an adviser n a great listener... de problem wif her tat she is undependable...

my 2nd best fine n cool...but she gets angry very fast...
but then she is dependable...

new yr


me huh?
i'm great...just kiddin
i hav all de best things in my parents giv me de best for everything...

just few months ago i got my UPSR results...i was quite dissapoint with my results...but my family members told me tat...i did my best n i made them proud wif such outstanding results...
i actually didn't get 5 'a's but i got 4 'a's 1 b...

my family is a very happy family...